Yup, winter is officially here. We can feel the bitter cold it in the depths our souls and deep down in our bones. Where we don’t want to feel it, is inside our homes. I’m sure you’d rather be curled up on the couch all toasty and cozy, comfortably enjoying the newest Hallmark Christmas movies.. We’re right there with ya.
There are some things you can do to your apartment home to help keep the warmth in and that unwelcomed cold out. Read below for advice on how to winterize your apartment home this season.
- Open your curtains during the day. If you are in an apartment that gets a lot of sun during the day, start using it to your advantage. The sun is the world’s natural heater – let it do its thang!
- Keep certain doors closed. Your closet doesn’t need to be heated. Keep rooms like that closed so all of that extra heat can go to rooms you actually hang out in.
- Look for gaps at the bottom of your doors. These gaps tend to let a lot of heat out and a lot of cold in. If you’re looking to seal this gap, look into plastic door sweeps. Otherwise, lay a towel at the base of your doors for a quick at-home remedy.
- Use an at home insulation kit. Insulation kits allow you to line your window with a clear plastic to help keep the cold out. These plastics are very easy to remove at move out and can be found at any local hardware store.
- Use curtains. Think of them as an extra layer between you and all of the cold outside.. And the thicker the better.
- Check your heater vents. Make sure that they aren’t behind a dresser, or chair or blocked in any way. If they are, it can really limit the amount heat that the rest of your apartment received.
We want to ensure you are at your most comfortable this holiday season. We all know how brutally cold it can get in Sioux Falls and we think these winterization tips and tricks can help! Stay warm, Graystone!